We cater for the individual needs of every resident in our care, and endeavour to match the ideal staff member to each resident in catering for their preference – male or female, quiet or lively, casual or formal. Daily routines are carried out at the resident’s pace with the emphasis on enabling choice and a respect for dignity. By taking the time to get to know each of our residents, we cultivate a friendly and happy atmosphere that staff, residents, relatives and visitors immediately warm to.
Residents may come and go, based on appropriate risk assessment, and visitors are welcome at all times. We consider social relationships with like-minded people to be of the upmost importance and therefore arrange a wide range of social and recreational activities both inside and outside Drumderrig House.
“Our aim is to enhance the quality of life of our residents. We achieve this by embracing all aspects of health and social care in an environment that’s been designed and equipped to provide first-class care in a homely setting.”